
Background. Priorities in life and professional values are the socio-psychological guidelines for the professional development of a specialist. The value environment in each organization is unique, it depends on many factors and is a component of the organizational culture, for the effective management and development of which it is necessary to study and take into account both individual life values of employees and the values of different categories of personnel and the organization as a whole. Aim. To study the peculiarities of the life values of employees of medical-scientific institution and assess their compliance with the values of the organization. Materials and Methods. Sociological survey, statistical analysis. The object of the research was the personnel of a modern scientific and medical organization, and the life values of employees and the values of the organization. The work was performed on the base of Research Institute for Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases. The survey covered 74.8% of the basic personnel (doctors, research personnel, nurses, administrative and management personnel, servicing personnel). Results. The first three leading life values of all the personnel were health, happy family life and material well-being. More than half the respondents consider the most important values for the organization to be professionalism and responsible attitude to work, correct and respectful attitude to colleagues, correct and respectful attitude to patients, discipline and order in work, strict observance of laws and normative requirements, aspiration to professional perfection. In the personnel, the priority values for the organization do not depend on age. 73.7% of employees have a personal system of values that coincides with the values of the organization. Conclusions. In the opinion of the personnel, most important values of a medical and scientific institution are socio-normative values with a strong emphasis on the priority of personal professionalism. The majority of respondents believe that their personal values correspond to the values important for the organization, which is an indicator of the social and psychological congruence of employees, but is also a sign of the culture of conformism in the institution, which would more likely be a limiting factor in a research organization.

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