
The main markers of social perception of private owners by the Ukrainian population are the content of private property and the form of personal involvement of private owners in production. The research objective was to analyse the social perceptions determinants of private owners of enterprises and land. Using the data of a sociological survey conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine in August 2019, private owners’ social perceptions of the production means with different forms of management were analysed: small enterprises, large enterprises, land cultivated by the owner’s family, land cultivated by hired workers. The owners of small enterprises and the owners of land cultivated by their families enjoy greater sympathy among the Ukrainian population than owners of large enterprises and owners of land cultivated by hired workers. However, even in the case of the last two categories of private owners, positive feelings outweigh negative ones. The methods of binary logistic regression used in this research, reveal that the social perceptions of the private owners of the production means are largely consistent with social status, an ability to adapt to a market economy, and relevant value-ideological beliefs. The negative perception of private owners depends on the type of production means. In particular, respondents’ negative feelings about large enterprises owners and landowners who use hired labour are determined by the support of a planned economy and the rejection of liberal values. The impact of an external locus of control of the respondents became decisive in the negative perception of small business owners. Negative feelings about landowners who cultivate the land themselves are evident in respondents with low levels of education. Positive feelings in all cases are conditioned by the respondents’ support of liberal and mixed type of economy, their positive perception of liberal values, adaptability to market conditions, high level of education and wealthy financial situation. Neutral feelings towards private owners of all categories are evident among respondents who are undecided about the type of economy.


  • За ринкових умов у постсоціалістичних суспільствах утворився новий прошарок приватних власників, який здобув найбільший зиск від соціально-економічних перетворень

  • але й присутня певна суб'єктивна оцінка процесам приватизації промисловості та землі

  • 0 – решта категорій 1 – підтримка ліберальної економіки (треба мінімізувати участь держави, – все регулює ринок), 0 – решта категорій; 1 – підтримка змішаної економіки (слід поєднати державне управління та ринкові методи), 0 – решта категорій; 1 – підтримка планової економіки (необхідно повернутися до планової економіки на основі повного державного обліку та контролю), 0 – решта категорій

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