
The minimal surface (see [1]) is determined using the Weierstrass representation in three-dimensional space. The solution of the Dirac equation [2] in terms of spinors coincides with the representations of this surface with conservation of isothermal coordinates. The equation represented through the Dirac operator, which is included in the Manakov’s L, A, B triple [3] as equivalent to the modified Veselov-Novikov equation (mVN) [4]. The potential 𝑈 of the Dirac operator is the potential of representing a minimal surface. New solutions of the mVN equation are constructed using the pre-known potentials of the Dirac operator and this algorithm is said to be Moutard transformations [5]. Firstly, the geometric meaning of these transformations which found in [6], [7], gives us the definition of the inversion of the minimal surface, further after finding the exact solutions of the mVN equation, we can represent the inverted surfaces. And these representations of the new potential determine the soliton deformation [8], [9]. In 2014, blowing-up solutions to the mVN equation were obtained using a rigid translation of the initial Enneper surface in [6]. Further results were obtained for the second-order Enneper surface [10]. Now the soliton deformation of an inverted catenoid is found by smooth translation along the second coordinate axis. In this paper, in order to determine catenoid inversions, it is proposed to find holomorphic objects as Gauss maps and height differential [11]; the soliton deformation of the inverted catenoid is obtained; particular solution of modified Karteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is found that give some representation of KdV surface [12],[13].

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