
The article is devoted to the problem of formation and development of competitiveness among teachers of higher education institutions. If the content and structure of professional competitiveness, defined by state standards, are formed without taking into account the personal qualities of the learning subject, its interests, abilities and are not determined by the professionalism of the teacher, it is impossible to lay the foundations of competitiveness and develop the ability to compete. The genesis of different approaches to the concept of competitiveness of the modern educator has been analyzed, in particular, in modern researches it is emphasized on: – managerial, psychological and pedagogical aspect of competitiveness. The process of forming the competitiveness of a teacher of a higher education institution, which includes its components, is outlined: = levels of development: a motivational and holistic component; emotional-volitional component; evaluation and adjustment component; = conditions of formation: the need to find such forms of work of the teacher, which would ensure the continuity of the process of his professional growth, development and introduction of multidimensional models of the organization of professional development, introduction of new educational technologies, participation in innovative activity; = development of a complex of properties of his personality necessary for a high level of professional activity. The activity of the teacher is characterized by pedagogical expediency by orientation, individually creative character in content and organization, choice of means; = ways of formation: a certain amount of knowledge, abilities, skills and continuous improvement of the state of theoretical, psychological-pedagogical, methodological and technological preparation; motives for professional self-improvement; the desire for selfrealization and self-affirmation of personality; professional growth; expanding horizons; increasing the level of development of all types of competences; the presence of cognitive interest; creating a positive image among students and colleagues; upgrading the qualification category during certification; receiving awards; raising personal rankings at different levels of subordination; improving professional competence; raising the level of organization of the educational process.

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