
Increasing requirements for housing and communal services, its development and improvement are an important factor in improving the quality of people’s
 lives. This makes it necessary to significantly change the principles of the personnel policy in public institutions. Only then will they be able to improve the
 quality of goods and services provided to the population, and as a result, to achieve reduce social tension in society. The purpose of research — to learn the
 basics of formation of personnel policy in the public management company housing and communal services on the example of a particular organization and
 to formulate recommendations for its improvement. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the developed principles of human resources policy
 are adapted to the particular area — management of housing and communal services. The proposed set of measures can be recommended for use in the
 Russian organizations for the management of housing and communal services because the situation can be regarded as typical for this sector of the Russian

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