
It is noted that in modern socio-economic conditions the problem of social responsibility of business, which is based on the responsibility of the organization for the impact of its decisions on society, its welfare, the environment; the interrelation of such concepts as social corporate responsibility, corporate ethics, corporate culture, business ethics, social and ethical marketing, image, reputation is analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that compliance with the principles of socially responsible marketing directly affects the formation of a positive image and reputation of the company, which in turn are the same assets of the company as others, but do not have a material component. The essence of the concepts "image" and "reputation" is revealed, the interrelation between these concepts is investigated and their fundamental differences are determined. The special role of trust in the process of managing the reputation of the organization is determined; the definition of trust as the basis for the formation of reputation is given; emphasis is placed on the crisis of confidence in modern society and approaches to overcoming this crisis. It is noted that the formation of trust is possible due to the openness of the company and public dialogue, which is based on the organization's communication policy, not only with the use of advertising in all its manifestations or PR technologies, but also certain social actions, active participation in public life. solving social problems, ie all those issues that are outside the scope of business, but indirectly affect it. It is concluded that socio-ethical, environmental, cultural problems have long acquired a global character, solving these problems brings additional benefits to business in the long run, strengthens its reputation and forms a positive image in society, to implement all these intentions designed socially responsible marketing , which becomes a tool in managing the reputation of the organization. It is noted that the problem of reputation management as an asset of the organization, which is becoming increasingly important and requires a strategic approach, needs special attention.

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