
At present, Sinology is rapidly developing all over the world. A large number of foreigners are learning Chinese. Scientists note the inextricable link between society, culture, history, geography and language. In this regard, communication is a complex process that requires careful and conscious immersion in the language context. The purpose of the article is to study the features of teaching Chinese as a second foreign language. The objectives of the study are to identify the specifics of the development of students' communicative competence, to characterize the essence and structure of communicative competence, which includes social and cultural knowledge, to analyze intralinguistic and extralinguistic elements of teaching Chinese as a second foreign language in the context of intercultural communication. The following methods were used in the article: comparison, retrospective analysis and system-logical analysis. The author gives a description of communicative strategies in the study of the Chinese language, and also considers issues related to their choice in relation to various factors. The focus of the research are communicative tasks which are a key element of teaching the Chinese language and the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the model of professionally oriented teaching of the Chinese language to students of the humanities in Russian universities. The results of the study show that extracurricular activities increase students' motivation to learn Chinese, increase the level of self-organization and responsibility. A well-built model of professionally oriented education, which includes a large amount of extracurricular activities, is effective in terms of the formation of intercultural competence necessary for the further work of graduates of Russian universities.

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