
The article proposes the author's version of the in-depth work with the folk original source, which contributes to the formation of cultural values of students in the course of the Arrangement course of the teaching course Academic Choir at the Tyumen State Institute of Culture. A distinctive feature of the course is the regional component – Russian folk songs of the Tyumen region and the region are used as musical material for student work. As part of the study, we identified the following contradictions: – between the prescription of the State educational standards on interdisciplinary disciplines, the student's ability to navigate in the diversity of culture and the competences offered by the curriculum for the discipline “Arrangement”, which are focused on creating a new creative product; – between the student’s constant need for creative self-realization and the insufficiently high level of his creative skills; – between installations of legislation in the field of education for the education of the individual with a high level of education, morality, and value installations that are incorrectly laid down by the mass culture. Therefore, we position the processing of a folk song not as an end in itself, but as a means of personal involvement of the student in the culture of his people, the transmission of sociocultural experience between generations. The goal of the “Arrangement” course is to create a value attitude of students to Russian culture in the process of creative work with a folk original source (Russian folk song) by expanding the course’s objectives to interdisciplinary and research (problem-searching, creative, heuristic, etc.), activating cognitive and creative activity of students. Formation of students' value attitude to the Russian folk musical culture in the process of creative work with a folk song, we propose to carry out at the following stages: search, motivational-incentive, research, analytical, creative, performing. Through contact with the sample of Russian song and its transformation, a student's interest in his origins, his pedigree, and cultural norms in the way of life and art is awakened. The effectiveness of the formation of cultural values of students through the Russian folk song is determined under the condition of positive motivation and initiative of students to learn cultural values, subject-subject interaction between the teacher and the student, enhancing independent cognitive activity, introducing the student to artistic creativity, creating conditions for self-discovery.

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