
In this article, the author examines the Arabic inscriptions on nine exhibits kept in the fund of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Chronologically, these original artifacts date back to the 19th century. Four of them are made of wood, two –of bone and three –of metal. During the research work, the volumes (width, length, thickness) of the exhibits were firstmeasured, scientific characteristics were recorded, and then they were grouped according to the thematic and chronological principle. Verbatim and subscript translations of the Arabic texts of all the exhibits into the modern Kazakh language were made. In the process of translation, the features of the content of the texts of each exhibit are revealed and systematized. In particular, the general content and contextual similarity of unsystematic religious texts on four, i.e. wooden andbone (horse shoulder blades), of these valuable monuments are considered interrelated with the spiritual worldview, customs and traditions of the Kazakh ethnic group. The information in the texts of iron artifacts that are homogeneous in type, but differ in content (iron forms, a single-edged sword, aibalta) is also translated and analyzed. Although the information in these texts is not interconnected, however, they provide a lot of specific factual materials for researchers studying the history of traditional weapons used by the Kazakh people during various wars. The study of various inscriptions on such epigraphic monuments (not only in Arabic) has been carried out by individual museum scientists in recent years. This article is a logical continuation of such work.

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