
At the present stage, the problem of implementing a personalized approach during the physical activity of girls and boys in higher education in order to solve various tasks in terms of content, including the implementation of physical self-development. The purpose of the study was to determine the characteristics of students of different institutions of higher education in the motivation of their activities to physical self-development for implementation indivsdual approach. Material and research methods. This goal achived using a set of adequate research methods. Analysis, synthesis, systematization were used to process sources of information; the necessary empirical data were obtained by the method of psychodiagnostic testing (L. Berezhnov’s test “Reflection on self-development”); to organize the study used the method of experiment, to process the data – adequate methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 168 girls who were students of various higher education institutions, their age was 18,5±1,3. Results. The education of girls in various institutions of higher education to some extent affects the state of formation of their motivation for physical self-development and self-education. High and medium levels of such motivation are found in almost the same number of girls – future officers and future teachers of physical education; the former have a significantly higher number of low-level results dsfferent than the last one. The number of respondents who spend less than one and more than 2 hours on self-development differed significantly: girls – future officers, respectively, more and less than girls – future specialists in physical education. Conclusion. Using the results of last one as model values іs impractical. It is necessary to increase the attention of physical education teachers to the practical provision of girls with self-development and self-education, taking into account the tasks of physical education.

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