
We compute relativistic polytropic models as well as models obeying realistic equations of state, of rotating neutron stars. The purpose of this study is to calculate significant physical quantities of a neutron star, in the case of hydrostatic equilibrium, rigid and differential rotation, as well as in the case of a magnetic neutron star with both poloidal and toroidal components. A short description of the numerical treatment has as follows. First, we solve the Oppenheimer-Volkov system of differential equations. This system refers to hydrostatic equilibrium of non rotating polytropic models. Then, solid rotation is added as a perturbation, according to Hartle’s perturbation and corrections to mass and radius are calculated, as also corrections due to spherical and quadrupole deformations. In addition a third order perturbation in angular velocity, Ω, is implemented. Angular momentum, J, moment of inertia, I, rotational kinetical energy, T, and gravitational potential energy, W, are quantites that are significally corrected by the third order approximation. Differential rotation is assumed that (i) obeys a specific law, or (ii) follows as a result of the solid rotation and radial oscillations combination; our purpose is the calculation of the main physical quantities that are altered by differential rotation. In the second part the effect of magnetic field is studied, which consists of a poloidal and a toroidal component. The Ioka-Sasaki perturbation (IS) is implemented. This problem is described by the quantification of the flux function ψ, which comes as a solution of the Grad-Shafranov (GS) differential equation. Then the components of the magnetic field and the quadrupole deformation of the star are calculated. This method is also a perturbative method similar to Hartle’s perturbation method. Having calculated models of rotating neutron stars, as also various models of magnetic fields, we can compose our results and determine models of neutron stars with zero deformation, the equalizers, these are neutron stars that are rotating and also have a magnetic field in a way that they, rotation and magnetic field, produce equal but opposite geometrical deformations in the shape of the star.

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