
Introduction. Despite the significant financial resources for pharmaceutical care in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, differences remain in ensuring the availability of drugs to the citizens eligible for social support. In this regard, the development of organizational and pharmaceutical measures to optimize the system of subsidized provision of medicines for the population (in the example of the Novosibirsk Region (NR)) is an important area of modern pharmaceutical science. Aim. Analysis of the provision of medicines to beneficiaries in the Novosibirsk Region. Materials and methods. The sources of information were materials of the Novosiboblpharm, State Public Institution of Novosibirsk Region, the database of the Novosibirskoblpharm on the cost and number of provided and defferred prescriptions during 2019–2021 for 35 municipal entities (MEs) of the NR. Content analysis, expert assessment method, logical, non-parametric (rank), economic and statistical, and cluster analysis were used. Results. Monitoring of the number of citizens, eligible to receive medicines on preferential terms for the analyzed period in the federal segment revealed an increase in beneficiaries by 13.96%, and in the regional segment – a decrease by 5.19%. Analysis of the number and cost of provided prescriptions and medicines supplied during this period showed that pharmaceutical care to regional beneficiaries has improved, while to federal beneficiaries – worsened in all indices. As a result of an assessment of structural similarity of the Provision of Essential Medicines (PEM), during 2019–2021, the territorial systems of subsidized provision of medicines of MEs of the NR were separated into the federal and the regional segments. It was found that in the federal segment, only 18 (51.4%) MEs in 2019, 20 (57.14%) MEs in 2021 of 35 MEs of the NR have a rational structure of subsidized provision of medicines, and the increase was 11.16%. In the regional segment, only 21 (60.0%) MEs in 2019, 22 (62.80%) MEs in 2021 of 35 MEs in the NR had a rational structure of subsidized provision of medicines, the increase was 4.76%. Conclusion. An irrational structure of subsidized provision of medicines has been identified, which consists in its substantial structural similarity in clusters, and asymmetry in the federal and regional segments, that requires an in-depth research and revision of the subsidized provision of medicines structure, substantiation of new directions for the future development of the PEM system.

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