
In order to establish appropriate measures for chemical accidents according to the use of various and wide-ranging chemicals and social structural changes, it is necessary to measure and accurately diagnose chemical accidents. Responders at the scene of an accident must secure competency suitable for their roles in preparation for the occurrence of an accident, as they perform response activities according to their determined roles and tasks. The purpose of this study is to measure the competency of workers in chemical companies to respond to chemical accidents. First, the concept of chemical accident response competency was presented. In response to chemical accidents, each individual's safety knowledge, safety skill, and safety ability were defined as chemical accident response competency, and among the types of chemical accidents, methods were suggested based on leakage, explosion, and fire accidents. Second, a pilot survey of chemical accident response competency of chemical company workers was conducted and verified using chemical accident response competency measurement tools. Third, the measurement results of the pilot survey of chemical accident response competency were analyzed and implications were derived. The chemical accident response competency survey was conducted using the chemical accident response competency measurement tool in the appendix, and a total of 233 responses were received with 115 chemical workers, 65 general public officials, 27 government employees, and 26 public institutions. In the reliability verification of the survey, safety knowledge was 0.960, safety technology 0.942, and safety ability was 0.956, and in the reliability analysis of the total number of items, Cronbach's alpha value was 0.979, which was very high. In the analysis of the results of the chemical accident response capacity measurement tool survey, the average was 29.84, which was below the average level, 37.09 for each public official, 30.66 for chemical workers, 26.29 for the general public and 27.65 for public institutions. Overall, safety knowledge and safety technology are measured at an average normal level, but safety abilities are measured at an insufficient level in the rest of the group except for public officials, and should be improved above the normal level through safety education and training. It is necessary to measure and diagnose individual-level chemical accident response competency to provide basic information and data to strengthen safety management activities in chemical companies, but this study is of great significance in that it conducted a survey through the measurement model. Continuous research is needed every year to improve the ability to respond to chemical accidents. As developed and measured in this study in the future, a more systematic and in-depth study on individual-level chemical accident response capabilities is needed through the development of questionnaire items suitable for each group.

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