
UDC 531.222, 531.223; JEL Classification : B 410 The formulation of mechanics paradigms is a continuation of the cycle of research on the development of paradigms of the most important fields of activity. This is the most important step in solving the problem of depletion of the main natural resources of the planet. The formulation of paradigms of engineering is a necessary and final stage in the formation of the content of the science of mechanics. Therefore, the formulation of its paradigms is relevant. An analysis of recent research and publications has shown that the problem posed has not yet been solved in world theory and practice. Only some of its aspects were touched upon in a recent publication by the author. But the results were obtained only as necessary conditions, prerequisites for the development of paradigms of mechanics: the erroneousness of mixing of mechanics and engineering was proved; mechanics is the only and radically excellent field of activity. This is an activity of not Man, but of Nature. And most importantly, the Basic Law of Mechanics was established: “Mechanics are the organization of any forces.” A problem of the formulation of mechanics paradigms was remaining unresolved. The purpose of this study is a formulation of mechanics paradigms. The tasks are: а choice of methodology for approbation of a basic law of mechanics as the main, immediate condition, prerequisite for a formulation of its paradigms; а formulation of mechanics paradigms with a using of a chosen methodic; аn identification of the main results, an establishment of their scientific novelty and an establishment of their practical significance. Methodology of research are: a model of the development of BVK paradigms, a review of literary sources, 2С70, BEO, methodic of a historical and logical, methodic of a induction and deduction, theory of the Babailov method. Findings is а formation of the content of the science of mechanics has been completed. Originality is the results obtained allowed to complete the formation of the science of mechanics, that is, for the first time to formulate all four elements of its content. That is an object as it’s the Main theory and that is a subject as its the Basic law, and that is a Space and Time as the methodics of approbation of the basic law, and that is paradigms of mechanics. Practical value is that the introduction of the science of mechanics, first of all, in engineering will lead to the improvement of its methodology and technology and increase its efficiency.

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