
Purpose: development and description of the layout and design solution for a two-pond feeding nursery fish-breeding complex, which characterizes by compact placement of its constituent structures and their adaptation to the topographic conditions of the territory. Materials and methods. The theoretical and empirical basis for the development was made up of well-known recommendations on design and construction of pond complexes and survey data of operating fish-breeding facilities and their structures. During the development, the technologies of search design of engineering projects in compliance with fish breeding requirements and restrictions were used. Results. The fish-breeding complex includes: two fish-breeding ponds with a common dividing dam and a water supply system including a pumping station; water supply pipe system; a system of devices and structures that ensure the release of fish grown in ponds into a fish trap; spillway devices for discharging water from ponds and a fish trap with a set of regulating elements. Fish ponds are located on the floodplain lands of the river Don and are formed by protecting dikes. The bed of the reservoirs is planned with sections with longitudinal and transverse slopes to the water-fish collecting and-transporting ditches arranged in their bottom, allowing them to be emptied and the fish grown in the ponds to be directed to the outlet structures. The release of fish from the ponds is carried out by two tower water outlets. The design of the fish trap provides for the accumulation and seine fishing, it is equipped with means for regulating water discharge and maintaining conditions for fish. Conclusions. The developed layout and design solution for a two-pond fish-breeding complex with one fish trap is adapted to the local relief and the difference in water levels in ponds and in water intake. The implemented layout and design solutions can be used in the development of similar objects

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