
The article describes the cytogenetic parameters of seed progeny of Pinus sylvestris plus trees growing in the Petrozavodsk seed orchard of the first order. P. sylvestris normal trees from the natural pine phytocenosis in the Pryazha region (Karelia) were taken as a control. The following indicators were considered: relative DNA content, number of chromosomes, frequency and types of mitosis pathologies at the metaphase, anaphase and telophase stages (in % of the total number of dividing cells at the same stages). It was found that the root meristem of the P. sylvestris seed progeny contains 24 chromosomes in the diploid set. Single aneuploid cells (2n = 23; 2n = 25) were found in the studied plants. The most frequent is monosomy (2n = 23). It made up 81 % of the total number of aneuploid cells. The relative DNA content in the young needles of pine seedlings of plus clones and normal trees was 42.07±0.21 and 42.95±0.04 pg, respectively, and the difference between the two was statistically significant (U-test, p ˂ 0.01). Cytogenetic analysis revealed 7 types of mitosis pathologies: chromosome fragmentation, chromosome bridges, chromosome overlap, isolation of chromosomes and groups of chromosomes, chromosome lagging, multipolar mitosis and complex abnormalities. Chromosome overlap was the most common pathology in the general mitotic disorders spectrum. Comparison of mitosis pathologies in two general samples of normal trees and plus tree clones showed that they significantly differ by the following mitosis abnormalities: overlap and isolation of chromosomes in metaphase, fragmentation, lagging, bridges and multipolar mitosis in the anaphase and telophase. The study shows that the proportion of cells with mitosis abnormalities in the seed progeny of normal trees was about 1.5 times higher than of plus tree clones, and is equal 3.44±0.32 and 2.38±0.14 % (U-test, p = 0.05), respectively. The data obtained demonstrate the cytogenetic stability of the seed progeny of P. sylvestris clones from the Petrozavodsk seed orchard of the first order, which in turn may indicate the high quality of the seed material. For citation: Ignatenko R.V., Ershova M.A., Galibina N.A., Raevsky B.V. Cytogenetic Characteristics of Seed Progeny of Scots Pine Plus Tree Clones in Karelia. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2022, no. 1, pp. 9–22. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2022-1-9-22


  • Сосна обыкновенная (Pinus sylvestris L.) является одной из основных лесообразующих пород бореальной зоны Евразии и имеет высокую хозяйственную ценность

  • The article describes the cytogenetic parameters of seed progeny of Pinus sylvestris plus trees growing in the Petrozavodsk seed orchard of the first order

  • It was found that the root meristem of the P. sylvestris seed progeny contains 24 chromosomes in the diploid set

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Объекты и методы исследования

Кандидаты в элитные ПД отобраны в результате комплексной селекционно-генетической оценки [26, 27] на Петрозаводской ЛСП I порядка ЛСП (площадь 238 га) основана в 1976 г. В качестве контроля взяты 2 НД P. sylvestris из естественного соснового насаждения в Пряжинском районе Карелии Сбор семян с НД и клонов ПД сосны обыкновенной осуществляли в феврале 2020 г. С верхних веток кроны каждого дерева отбирали по 5–8 шишек, которые в последующем раскладывали в помещении и сушили при комнатной температуре до полного раскрытия. Для цитогенетического анализа использовали кончики корешков проросших семян, достигших длины 5–15 мм. Проанализировано не менее 20 проростков для каждого дерева. Таксационные параметры нормальных деревьев и клонов плюсовых деревьев Pinus sylvestris

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