
沿海防护林是有生命的生态基础设施,是沿海防灾减灾体系的重要组成部分,是老百姓的“救命树”。文中根据森林的生态、经济、景观、社会四大效益和健康森林理论,以及浙江省沿海防护林建设的实践,为有利于沿海防护林设防,提出将我国沿海防护林按“三道防线”布局和分类,分为消浪林带、基干林带(第一道防线),通道防护林、农田防护林、村镇防护林(第二道防线),山地丘陵防护林(第三道防线)等6种二级林种,在此基础上,再细分为24种优化配置模式,即基干林带分生态式、景观式、生态景观式和生态经济式等4种,消浪林带分纯林式、混交式等2种模式,通道防护林分生态式、生态景观式、生态文化景观式、树圃景观兼用式、绿道式、隔离林带式等6种,农田防护林分农田林网、生态果树兼用式、速生丰产林等3种,村镇防护林分生态式、生态文化式、经济林式、景观式、森林水景式、田园式、混合式等7种,山地丘陵防护林分生态公益林、商品林等2种,并对其主要特征进行论述,以方便建设管理;对各模式示范林带进行例说和佐证,以期引起全社会对沿海防护林建设的重视。 Coastal shelter belt is an important part of the coastal disaster prevention and mitigation system; we call it the living ecological infrastructure and people’s “life-saving trees.” This paper deals with the “three defense lines” classification of costal shelter belts of China to optimize the coastal shelter belt fortification, which bases on the four benefits of ecology, economy, landscape, society and healthy forestry theory of the forest, as well as the experience of the costal shelter belt construction over the past decades of Zhejiang Province. The three defense lines contain six forest-types. The first defense line consists of wave-eliminating forest belt and backbone forest belt. The green channel shelter belt, farmland shelter belt and village shelter belt are the second defense line. The third defense line is hilly and mountainous areas shelter belt. For the further research and optimal configuration, we subdivide the six forest-types into twenty four modes and describe each mode with classic example. The 4 kinds of backbone forest belts: ecological type, landscape type, eco- landscape type and eco-economic type, the 2 kinds of wave-eliminating forest belts: pure forest type and mixed forest type, the 6 kinds of green channel shelter belts: ecological type, eco-land- scape type, eco-cultural landscape type, trees nursery landscape type, green way type and isolated forest type, the 3 kinds of farmland shelter belts: farmland shelter belt type, ecological fruit tree type, fast growing forest type, the 7 kinds of village shelter belts: ecological type, eco-cultural type, economic forestry type, landscape type, forest waterscapes type, garden type, combination type, the 2 kinds of hilly and mountainous areas shelter belts: public good forest belt and commodity forest belt. The study has been started in the hope of arousing more attention of the whole society to the construction of coastal shelter belt.

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