
The article is devoted to solving the problems of technological preparation of robotic production. Currently, the creation of robotic systems has acquired the status of a completely independent technological task, which is solved on the basis of a significant reduction in the terms of technological preparation of production and the creation of fundamentally new software and technical tools. The growth of technical equipment and the technical integration of production processes under the conditions of robotization, which is related to this, have a significant impact on the selection criteria of individual structural elements of robotic systems. In contrast to the created traditional production systems, in which the main structural elementsimplemented in the relevant design and technological solutions were only machine tools, technological equipment and cutting tools, in robotic systems the range of structural elements is significantly expanded: the robotic systems, in addition to thespecified structural elements, contain technical means of control, industrial robots, transport equipment, technical means of storage, etc. It is quite obvious that now the methodology of creating robotic systems should go beyond solving only technical problems and should include a comprehensive and deep study of technology, management and organization, which are not only interdependent with related technical problems, but also directly affect their correct solution. The analysis of the latest researches and publications, which were devoted to the robotization of production, allows us to conclude that the problem of solving the taskof a justified choice of structural elements of robotic systems is currently not formalized and not solved. The article offers methodological bases for the formalization of the process of selecting structural elements of robotic systems, taking into account the specific limitations and production conditions. The proposed methodology makes it possible to systematically cover not only all technical solutions already existing in production, but also to find those, the creation of which is possible and, in some cases, even expedient; find existing technical solutions that are already implemented directly in production or that are provided with technical documentation, which will help minimize search time and prompt selection of ready-made solutions.

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