
The article examines the different approaches of scientists to determine the essence of the interdisciplinary approach to the professional training of future teachers. Features of its realization in methodical preparation of the future teacher of labor training and technologies are revealed. It is determined that the application of the interdisciplinary approach in the methodological training of future teachers of labor education and technology can increase students' motivation to study disciplines of methodological direction, to thoroughly understand the laws, patterns and principles of teaching, application of knowledge in practice; provide an opportunity to present already known educational material in another way; to increase the level of creativity and independence of future teachers of labor education and technology to increase their level of education; to ensure the integration of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities into one whole and the perception of the acquired, throughout the training, material in inseparable unity; to provide cooperation between teachers of disciplines of pedagogical and methodical cycles during preparation of new subjects, helps to consider their various aspects avoiding duplication of educational material; teachers of disciplines of pedagogical and methodical cycles to update their content; to ensure the selection of educational material for the formation of students' methodological competence; qualitatively prepare classes aimed at developing creative potential and stimulating professional growth of teachers. It is pointed out that the advantage of interdisciplinary approach in methodological training is more effective implementation of certain principles of organization of educational process in higher education, which include both general didactic principles and principles that reflect the specifics of methodological training of teachers of labor training and technology. It is noted that the specifics of the interdisciplinary approach is reflected in the methods and forms of organizing methodological training of future teachers of education «Technology». It is emphasized that the methodological training of future teachers of labor education and technology in the context of an interdisciplinary approach, deepens the understanding of higher education students the specifics of their future professional activities. Key words: teacher of labor education and technologies, interdisciplinary approach, applicant for higher education, methodological competence, methodological training, principles of teaching.

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