
B a c k g r o u n d . The article analyzes various approaches to understanding the effectiveness of public administration, which are in foreign and Ukrainian scientific thought. The study found that administrative efficiency is often understood as the effectiveness of the organization and functioning of public administration. Administrative efficiency is also understood as the efficiency of management bodies and officials. The authors emphasize that the principles, criteria and factors of the study of effectiveness are very vague. This affects the objectivity of the reflection of the qualitative result of the activities of the public administration body. The purpose of the article is to show that administrative efficiency is a component of the general social efficiency of public administration, so it can be studied with the help of analytical tools of competitiveness state. M e t h o d s . The study was conducted at the Department of Public Administration of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The main methods and approaches are institutional, sociological, historical, cultural, complex. The main sources of this study were the works of authors who investigated the effectiveness of public administration, namely, the content of the concept, approaches to evaluation, where conclusions were drawn about the effectiveness and limitations of individual methodologies. As well as Ukrainian legislation and analytical reports of international organizations on the country's competitiveness, which provide up-to-date information on the strengths and weaknesses of government institutions and state authorities. R e s u l t s . The scientific novelty of the study is that the authors offer new tools for the study of administrative efficiency. The key results and the background. It competitiveness of the state. "Competitiveness of state" in the context of studying the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration, the subjects of public administration is not considered deeply in the Ukrainian science of public administration. Moreover, in Ukraine, the effectiveness of public administration is increasingly associated with the competencies of civil servants. The authors do not agree with this position and suggest a deeper analysis, firstly, the relationship between public administration efficiency and the competitiveness of state and, secondly, a deeper study of the analytical capabilities of the theoretical and methodological construct "competitiveness of state". C o n c l u s i o n s . As a result, the authors argue that the task of administrative efficiency as an indicator is to reflect an understanding of the activities of institutions, which depends on the efficiency and behavior of both public and private actors, a legal and administrative basis within which individuals, firms and governments interact. And it determines the quality of public institutions.

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