
Abstract. Introduction. IgG4-associated pancreatitis is a rare chronic autoimmune disease characterized by pancreas infiltration with IgG4 cells and by an increased IgG4 level in blood serum. Aim. Present a clinical case of IgG4-associated pancreatitis. Materials and Methods. A clinical case is presented, describing IgG4-associated pancreatitis in a 22-year- old male patient. Results and Discussion. During the examination, the following conditions were excluded: Autoimmune liver diseases (ANA, ASMA IgG, LKM-1 IgG – negative, according to liver elastography, fibrosis 0) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (based on magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography). Pancreas dimensions were enlarged (according to computed tomography: 41.5x29x36.5 mm, smoothed lobulation; hepatosplenomegaly, intraperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and ascites minor). Against the treatment (Mesalazine, Ferrum Lek, and prednisolone 60 mg intravenously, with a transition of 50 mg per day inside), positive changes were noticed (body temperature normalized, daily stool frequency decreased). Conclusions. The case presented demonstrates the difficulties in diagnosing IgG4-associated diseases. Combination of ulcerative colitis and IgG4-associated pancreatitis described in this paper further complicates the differential diagnostic search, but at the same time, it does not exclude possible common pathogeneses of various autoimmune diseases in this group of patients.

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