
모자이크 증상의 과꽃(Callistephus chinensis L.)으로부터 Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)의 한 계통(Cas-CMV)를 분리하고, Fny-CMV와 As-CMV를 대조로 기주반응, dsRNA, RT-PCR 및 RFLP분석을 통하여 바이러스를 동정하였다. Cas-CMV의 특징적인 기주반응의 차이는 박과 식물에서 발현되는 강한 병정이었으며, 특히 쥬키니호박에 접종하였을 때에는 접종 15-20일 후에 심한 모자이크 증상과 함께 어린 식물이 고사되는 괴저현상을 나타냈다. DsRNA분석과 RT-PCR실험의 결과는 Cas-CMV가 서브그룹 I의 CMV에 속하는 것으로 나타났으며, 더욱이 HindIII를 이용한 RFLP 분석은 Cas-CMV가 서브그룹 IA 구분되었다. An isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), designated as Cas-CMV, was isolated from Chinese aster (Callistephus chinensis) showing severe mosaic symptom, and its properties was compared to the well-characterized Fny-CMV (subgroup IA) and As-CMV (subgroup IB) by host reaction in several indicator plants, dsRNA analysis, RT-PCR analysis, and restriction enzyme profile of the PCR products. Cas-CMV differed markedly in their host reaction to Fny-CMV or As-CMV in Cucurbita pepo cv. Black beauty. In the zucchini squash, all strains induced chlorotic spot on inoculated leaves and mosaic symptoms on upper leaves. However, symptoms induced by Cas-CMV were developed lethal necrosis on the young plants 15 to 20 days after inoculation. In experiments of dsRNA analysis and RT-PCR analysis, properties of Cas-CMV was come within subgroup I CMV. Moreover, restriction enzyme analysis using HindIII of the RT-PCR products showed that Cas-CMV belong to a member of CMV subgroup IA.

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