
Two series of compounds LHgL′ are described. In series I, L = L′ = organic radical with an oxo group in position 2 or L′ = Cl, in series II, L = L′ = allylic radical or L′ = Cl. Some compounds possess chemical properties of conjugated systems (IA, IIA), while others do not possess such properties (IB, IIB). The J13C199Hg) coupling constants and chemical shifts in 13C NMR spectra, the integral intensities of multiple bond vibrations in Raman spectra, the half-wave reduction potentials and the resonance energies in mass spectra of the negative ions are compared. The main contribution to the observed differences between compounds A and B is made by interaction of the CHg σ-bond with the π-system (σ, π-conjugation).

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