
The new experimental data of the 12С(15N,14N)13С reaction cross-sections at the energy Еlab(15N) = 81 MeV were measured for the ground and excited states of 14N and 13C nuclei. The experimental data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction-channels method (CRC) using channels-coupling scheme with the 15N + 12С elastic scattering and one- as well as two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters performing CRC-calculations with the Woods - Saxon potentials (WS) for the entrance and exit reaction channels. The WS potential parameters for the 12С + 15N nuclear interaction were taken from the previously studied elastic and inelastic scattering of 15N ions by 12С nuclei at the energy 81 MeV, and the WS potential parameters for the 14N + 13С reaction exit channel were deduced from fitting of the 12С(15N,14N)13C reaction data. The spectroscopic factors (amplitudes) of transferred in the reaction nucleons and clusters, used in the CRC-calculations, were computed within translational invariant shell model of 1p-shell. It was found that transfers of neutrons (n) and deuterons (d) dominate in this reaction. Multi-step transfers of nucleons and clusters give small contributions to the reaction data.

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