
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.
 樂舞詩描寫演奏樂舞的女人。一般認爲宫體詩派專愛制作這種作品,但是值得注意的是反對宫體詩的蕭統也制作了樂舞詩,此事實讓我們重新考慮樂舞詩的性質。齊梁樂舞詩中往往可見表達“樂舞不停”和“挽留上客”的兩種詩句。經過考察這兩種表現類型的源流和内涵,我們發現這些模式繼承發展了古代宴飲詩和祭祀詩中所見的祝禱詞。不但蕭統,而且頗多齊梁詩人競相制作包含這種表現類型的樂舞詩來歌頌王朝的和平、祝賀皇帝或宴會主人的幸福。我們應該注意漢魏晉六朝詩歌,甚至齊梁的所謂“豔詩”也保留著古代詩歌的特性。The “Gongti 宫體" school poets have generally been recognized as tending to compose a kind of poetry called “yuewu-shi 樂舞詩", that depicted women who were playing music or dancing. But it is worthy noting that the crown prince Zhao-ming 昭明, who is well-known for his objections to the writing of “amorous poetry 豔詩” also composed some “yuewu-shi 樂舞詩", though it was a type of “amorous poetry 豔詩". In yuewu-shi Qi and Liang 齊梁樂舞詩, we frequently find characteristic lines expressing the ideas of “everlastingly playing music” and “keeping the guest at the banquet”. After consideration of the origin and the meaning of these two patterns of expression, it becomes clear that these two patterns were inherited from the word of festivity used in the ancient festive poetry and ritual poetry. Not only the Crown prince Zhaoming 昭明, but also numerous poets in the Qi and Liang 齊梁 dynasties composed “yuewu-shi 樂舞詩" to convey wishes for the success of the banquet, peace for the dynasty and long life for the emperor. We further need to note that Qi and Liang “amorous poetry” 齊梁“豔詩" retained the nature of the ancient poetry.

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