
Government interference in the social-economic processes through the implementation of anti-crisis measures and fiscal expansion holds the embodiment of financial risks for economic entities. As a result, government debt and budget gaps at the continuing drop of real disposable household income and companies’ profitability grow. Over a long-term horizon, the decisions made can cause a financial system misbalance and new risk generation, including systemic risks in the sphere of public finance. The author carries out the theoretical research of financial system risks, which can result in a decrease in the system stability in general. The study determines that there is no single theoretical concept of financial risks of the public sector. Within the research, the author analyzed the approaches to systemic risks in various economic sectors and decomposed systemic risk of the public finance sphere. The study specified global factors of influence on the financial system stability, determined the impact factors and common fiscal limitations considering the needs in the execution of state obligations. The pandemic factor – COVID-19 spread is highlighted as an exogenous factor of impact on the formation of financial system misbalances. The main threat to the financial system stability considered in terms of the functional-institutional approach is the deficiency of economic entities’ liquidity. Unprecedented budgetary measures of anti-crisis financial regulation, the deferred impact – tax preferences, and monetary measures had an immediate influence on the liquidity volume during the implementation of anti-COVID activities. Tools of budgetary monitoring, budget expenditures reviews, tax expenditures reviews, and budget consolidation ensure the budget mechanism flexibility. Factors producing financial system risks and the selected measures of state regulation will set the trends for the social-economic development of the country in the coming years.

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