
With the increased use of GPS in the field of various applications including surveying, the request for fast and precise positional information has increased. Several countries such as USA, Canada, and Australia have already been operating Internet-based automatic GPS data analysis system using e-mail and FTP. Expanding GPS market, it is necessary to establish automatic GPS baseline processing system that is accessible via Internet. The system developed in this study is operating on the web, and it allows 2011년 4월 27일 접수 Received on April 27, 2011 / 2011년 5월 26일 수정 Revised on May 26, 2011 / 2011년 6 월 10일 심사완료 Accepted on June 10, 2011 1 세종대학교 지구정보공학과 Department of Geoinformation Engineering, Sejong University ※ 연락저자 E-mail: baezae@sejong.ac.kr 네트워크 기반 온라인 GPS 기선해석 시스템 개발 / 김수경.배태석 139 the users to access easily regardless of time and place. The main processing engines are Bernese V5.0 and PAGES. They process user data with three GPS CORS(Continuously Operating Reference Station), and then send the report to the users through e-mail. This system allows users to process high accurate GPS data easily. It is expected that this system will be used for various GPS applications such as monitoring large-scale structures and providing spatial information services in private sector.

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