
The influx of Japanese silver had increased since around 1538, reached its height in the late 17th century, then decreased from the turn of the century, and ceased in around 1753. Most of silver in Joseon[朝鮮] Korea including domestically produced silver as well as that from Japan was used for the import from China, mostly silk products. The massive influx of Japanese silver made silver function as a currency since the 17th century. However, their function as a currency withered as the inflow of silver from Japan fell sharply during the early 18th century. Before port-opening to Western countries[開港], Korea’s silver trade has not encountered with any other countries except Japan and China. Therefore, world system approach is not necessary to understand the silver circulation in Korea. Locked in the Malthus trap, ordinary people in the Joseon dynasty barely managed their life by consuming some necessity goods at most. Only the rich enjoyed their luxury consumption. During the Joseon dynasty the custom of luxury consumption diffused, but part of those newly entered into the middle class went bankrupt due to indulgence and high consumption. The increasing silver influx enriched consumption pattern in Korea by stimulating market and economic growth, and providing the means of trade with China for luxury goods. Leaded by some elites[士大夫], high and refined consumption behaviors became diffused. The sharp reduction of silver influx in the 18th century did not shrink the luxury consumption, because the growth of market and production partly driven by silver trade had a solid foundation. However, the circulation of silver money did not last owing to the efflux of silver, and Korea could not foster the import substitution industry of high quality silk. This is a reason why the economy could not advance in the 19th century before the port-opening. The main discourse about consumption in the Joseon dynasty was respect for frugality and worry about extravagance. Luxury culture in Korea was modest compared with previous dynasties or its neighboring countries. But their attitude toward luxury culture was very negative due to Confucianism. This can explain why Yeonsangun[燕山君], who was not bounded by Confucian teaching, was the only king pushing ahead with an effective substitution policy of high quality Chinese silk. The banning of Chinese silk of high quality[紗羅綾緞] and precious metals[金銀珠玉] that has been frequently practiced until the reign of Jungjong[中宗] became infrequent after the middle 16th century when luxury consumption diffused, because such consumption behaviors were already rooted in the society. A scholar group to study how to increase wealth and welfare [利用厚生學派], emerged in the late 18th century, discussed how to elevate the standard of living and defended high and refined consumption culture beyond the discourse making a sharp distinction between frugality and extravagance.

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