
As the third occasion of our biostratigraphic study in the Andean region, the field work was undertaken during middle July to late August, 1984. It was financially suported by the Overseas Scientific Research Fund in 1984 of the Ministry of Education, Japanese Government.The journeys in Bolivia and Peru are shown in Figs.1 and 2.In Bolivia, the columnar sections were made along some routes around Lago Titicaca, namely, Yaurichambi (the original locality by D'ORBIGNY, 1842), Cuyavi, Chirapaca, Yampupata, Ancoraimes and Matilde, where the Copacabana Group is well developed. Abundant fossils such as fusulines, bryozoans, brachiopods, corals and molluscs, were collected from these routes.In Peru, we had the field surveys to Mina Atacocha and Mi na San Vicente. In the Atacocha area, one route along slope at Machcan village was sel ected for measuring the lower part of the Pucara Group corresponding to the upper Triassi c Chambara Formation and 58 rock samples for conodont analysis were collected at intervals of about 5m. In San Vicente, some Jurassic ammonites were collected.These faunas have yet to be studied, but the paleontological and sedimentological studies will be made by each partakers.

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