
The purpose of the study is to preserve the plant-clone of the Fig tree Zacchaeus in the greenhouse of the Stavropol Botanical Garden. The current changed ecological situation and a large anthropogenic load have led to the deplorable state of the plant. To preserve it, the current members of the IOPS (Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society) and Russian scientists were tasked with preserving and reproducing Ficussycomorus L. The age of Ficussycomorus was determined – about 2000 years, the plant needs special therapeutic and preventive measures for its further preservation. Agrotechnical measures aimed at activating growth processes in the fig tree were carried out. For preservation, the evergreen biennial fig tree plant Zacchaeus was transferred to the Stavropol Botanical Garden named after V.V. Skripchinsky in 2016. The object was a clone of Ficussycomorus L. Phenological observations were carried out according to the generally accepted method. The plant is kept in the greenhouse of the Stavropol Botanical Garden with an average annual air temperature of plus 24.3°C. The highest average daily air temperatures of more than plus 27 to 30°C are observed from May to August, the lowest – in October, November plus 16 … 21°C. For the period 2016-2022 it increased its size from 30 cm to 82 cm, the number of lateral trunk branches from 3 to 20 pcs. A distinctive feature of the plant is a slowdown in growth in the autumn-winter period, partial fall of leaves and a decrease in their length (about 10% of the leaf mass remains on the tree), but syconia are constantly formed, regardless of the length of daylight hours.

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