The expansion of the boundaries of globalization in itself leads to the facilitation of the movement of people from one country to another. As the reality of past decades has shown, this could be voluntary or involuntary movement, which is caused by the need to find jobs. Over the years, the migration of these flows of people between countries has acquired a large scale and has become a pressing challenge. Migration is among the most important global challenges, which is accompanied by not only social, unsustainable, and severe economic problems, but also creates many difficulties in many countries throughout the world. One of the major reasons for present-day human migrations is due to socio-economic problems. The analysis of the migration balance showed us that in the first decade of independence (1994-2002), the negative migration balance was particularly high (25-190 thousand people). In 2022, as a result of the migration changes caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war, the positive migration balance amounted to 56,509 people. The analysis of these migration flows in terms of age, in 2022, has shown that the number of immigrants in all age-groups was higher than the number of emigrants, which is also the result of the migration changes caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war. As expected, emigrants and immigrants (economically active population) between the ages of 16 and 64 have the highest specific share, which made up 84% and 86% of their total number, respectively. Given the increased opportunities for international mobility and the driving factors of migration, a reduction in emigration flows is unlikely to occur in the near future. In our opinion, it will be important to bring these flows into a safe and legal framework, as well as to strengthen relations with the large Georgian diaspora living abroad and to involve them in the socio-economic development of the country. It should be noted that today, remittances continue to play an important role in the lives of migrant families remaining in Georgia. As studies show, despite their relatively high amount, remittances have little impact on the country's economic development. Thus, it is important to establish a migration policy in Georgia that will contribute to the reduction of irrational, intensive emigration, the legalization of migration, the increase of the efficiency of migration, the return of migrants and their socio-economic reintegration in their homeland, the harmonization of the migration policy of Georgia with the measures taken by the countries of immigration, and the normalization of immigration processes.
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