
Large patch, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2 IV, is a soil-born disease that is the most important of warm season turfgrass such as zoysia and Bermuda grass. This study was conducted to analysis of the soil microbial community structure on large patch. Center of the large patch (CLC), edge (CLE) and healthy (CLH) part of microbial communities were examined using metagenomics in Phylum level. Distribution trends of the rhizosphere microorganisms were similar to the order Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospira, Cyanobactria and Verrucomicrobia in soil collections. Contrastively Actinobacteria was more 56% abundant in healthy part soil (16%) than in the center (9.28%) or edge (10.84%) parts. Taxonomic distributions were compared among the CLC, CLE and CLH, total 6,948 OTUs were detected in the CLC, 6,505 OTUs for the CLE and 5,537 OTUs were detected in the CLE. Distributions of Actinobacteria OTUs were appeared 615 OTUs in the CLC, 709 OTUs in the CLE and 891 OTUs in the CLH. Among Actinobacteria, 382 OTUs were overlapped in the all soils. Not matched OTUs of CLH (286 OTUs) was detected 23 times higher than CLC (91 OTUs) and CLE (126 OTUs).

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