
This study aims to critically analyze the discourse about refugees formed in Korean society and find the social wrong in the discourse through the Discourse Historical Approach, which combines historical and sociological approaches with linguistic analysis. To this end, taking 2018 into account, when 500 Yemeni refugees arrived in Korea, we compare and analyze the bills proposed before and after 2018 and find the discourse topic and strategy (description strategy, argumentation strategy, perspective strategy) for each period. This study shows that the refugee discourse before 2018 mainly deals with the ‘crisis of refugee protection’ from a humanitarian perspective, and refugee discourse after 2018 deals with the ‘crisis of the state’ from the perspective of xenophobia and neo-racism. These findings suggest that the discourse strategies used in refugee discourse after 2018 have the characteristics of propaganda in that they eventually stimulate public anxiety and create an atmosphere of fear, which implicate social wrong.

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