
The paper considers the issue of extensive application of local expert collections in forensic expert practice. The study shows that the necessity of extensive application of such collections and other local reference-assistive means occurs due to criminalistics digitalization. The author specifies the concept of local expert collections; proposes to carry out expert collections digitalization according to the matrix principle of the object’s characteristics fixation. The study identified that the practicality of the extensive application of such collections is caused by the network approach introduction to the forensic expert activity. The author proves the applicability of semantic networks to ensure the efficiency of using expert collections. The necessity to overcome the experienced counter-acting the investigation determines the importance of extensive application of digitalized collections. The author implements the technological approach to the expert studies using the specimen copies from expert collections; proposes to support the information provision block in the forensic expert study technologies with references to the local collections stored in a cloud resource. Within the block of assignments for forensic studies, it is offered to provide an initiative comparison of an object under the study with the collection standards regarding falsification or other change in its characteristics. It provides information security measures. Such measures are the collection exchange channel duplication and block-chain technology. The paper presents a validation procedure for expert collections located in network resources of forensic expert institutions. Expert collection validation involves the research activities regarding the adequacy of their digital representation and the expert collections approval in terms of applicability for solving particular expert tasks. Complex application of expert collections represented in digital format supplies digital criminalistics with new forensic investigation resources.

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