
The national liberation movement of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries covered the multifaceted social, cultural, political problems of the Kazakh society, and at the present stage, the issues of education, the national economic economy have not lost their relevance. During the years of independence, these issues acquire new meaning and content. The second half of the 19th–early 20th century particularly interests researchers. The development of capitalist relations in Russia led to great changes not only in the center of the country but also in all spheres of life on the colonial outskirts, in the state structure and culture. Under the influence of the objective laws of the new economic order, great changes took place in the public consciousness of the Kazakhs, and a national intelligentsia began to form. At the same time, the creation of a parliamentary system in Russia, the election of representatives of the Kazakh steppe as deputies to the 1st and 2nd Dumas contributed to the improvement of the political consciousness and experience of the national intelligentsia. The North-Eastern region of Kazakhstan developed under the influence of the political processes taking place in Russia. Local national representatives were involved in state-political processes. Sh. Kosshegulov was twice elected to the State Duma, in 1906, he participated in the All-Russian Muslim faction and in the development of its program, which is an event of great political significance. Sh. Kosshegulov conscientiously performed his work and did a lot of useful things to open the eyes and awaken the consciousness of the Kazakh people. Therefore, the article discusses the life and work of Sh. Kosshegulov in the socio-political, spiritual, and cultural development of Kazakhstan in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

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