
The educational space as a set of educational systems develops both as a result of selforganization and under the influence of external management factors. The phenomena of the educational system, educational space and their development have been sufficiently studied in science. The driving force behind the development of educational systems is educational innovations. System-synergetic relationships between innovation systems and the conditions of the educational space suggest that their development occurs in concert. In pedagogy, the issues of links between the development of innovations and the educational spaces in which they occur have not been sufficiently studied. Most scholars study specific innovations in specific educational spaces. The coordinated development of innovations and educational space is not enough studied. The purpose of the article is to study the general issues of the co-evolution of innovation and educational space. The methodological foundations of the study include: dialectical universal laws of development, the concretization of which makes it possible to reveal the procedural development of innovation and educational space; stages of systems development adapted to the stages of innovation; the phenomena of bifurcation, self-organization, anthroposynergism, explaining the patterns of development; concepts of sustainable development in education. The author establishes a correspondence between the stages of innovation (creation, development, testing, implementation) and the states of the educational space (actualized, transitional, established); the procedural realizations of co-evolution at each stage are characterized; the mutual adaptation of the innovation system and the coordinates of the educational space (normative-regulatory, perspective-oriented, activity-stimulating, communicative-informational) is characterized.

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