
Crop Protection Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon 441-707, Korea(Received on October 9, 2013; Revised on November 4, 2013; Accepted on November 7, 2013)Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was occurred at 8 areas including Naju, Suncheon, Younggwang, Youngam,and Shinan in Jeonnam province and the crops of Younggwang were severely damaged by TSWV. The hotpepper (Capsicum annuum), bell pepper (Capsicum annuum va .r angulosum) and tomato (Solanumlycopersicon) in greenhouse and hot pepper in open field were infected by TSWV. Especially, hot pepper wasseverely damaged by TSWV infection. The survey data indicated that 1.1 −30% in the nursery field at Naju,Suncheon, and Jangheung were infected by TSWV. Plants were infected by TSWV from early June toAugust. However, TSWV-infected seedlings from nursery fields showed the disease symptoms from May aftertransplanting. In pepper greenhouses, Frankliniella occidentalis was more dominant insect vector thanFrankliniella intonsa. But in open field, the population of insect vector was opposed to greenhouse. Inaddition, the removal of weeds was able to delay the incidence of TSWV via side-window of greenhouse inWinter. Taken together, the control of weed and insect vector nearby side-window of greenhouse is importantto prevent TSWV infection of plants.Keywords : Frankliniella occidentalis, Hot pepper, Tomato spotted wilt virus

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