
The article considers the possibility of new multi-civilizational integrity in the context of the concept outlined in the new monograph by A.V. Smirnov “The Logic of Sense as a Philosophy of Mind”, where the author argues that a multipolar world is possible as sta­ble only as a multi-civilizational one and calls into question three currently dominant the­ses in the humanities. They are: 1) globalization is a natural process; 2) globalization of economic processes must necessarily be accompanied by cultural and civilizational globalization; 3) the civilizational project, which is implemented by the West in its histor­ical development and taken as the basis of globalization, is universal in its essence and is the best socio – political and economic model for the whole world. Historical experience and analysis of modern practice show that new multi-civilizational integrity will not work as long as the Western project is considered as the only possible prospect for modern civi­lization, and its ideals and values are presented as a role model. At the same time, the im­plementation of the value orientations of the consumer society outside Europe generates new crises and contradictions, not fitting into the national and cultural characteristics of other countries. Therefore, the way out to the points of growth of a new civilizational integrity should be not found in the West at all, but should be explored in those cultures that have preserved the traditional ground under the influence of modernization pro­cesses. Without ignoring the centuries-old experience of the development of Greek-Latin-European culture, A.V. Smirnov argues, it is necessary to conduct a study of the logic of non-Western cultures, which currently constitutes an important task of the theoretical development of the project of a multi-civilizational world.

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