
The temple of Joseon Dynasty is a cultural heritage, an object of sightseeing, a space for tourists room and board, an accommodation for public officials travelling on official business. The temple played the part of an entertainment spot and the pleasure visitors carved their names on the structure of the temple as a token of remembrance. Moreover, the pleasure visitors appreciated surrounding landscape of a famous mountain during their stay at a temple and the poor reality of a temple made the administrators realize their responsibilities. The monk of Joseon Dynasty treated the sightseers at a temple and acted as a tour guide for them. The monk carried a palanquin(sedan chair) for tourists in a mountain and played a role of an entertainment assistant to provoke merriment for tourists. The monk carved the name of tourists on rock and sometimes told their fortune and became a cultural heritage commentator for them. Also, the monk confirmed an image of meditation, abstinence, and purification and had a coordinative relationship of exchanging poetry or debate with tourism gentry at the times.

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