
The Ching-shih ta-tien(經世大典) is the first official compilation on the legislations and precedents of the civil administration, compiled during the reign of Tuγ Temur in the late Yuan. Shortly after the beginning of his reign, he founded the Academy of K’uei-chang-ko and compiled the Ching-shih ta-tien as a part of the establishment of legitimacy. One of the notable points on the compilation is that the organization was distinct from the official compilation on the legislations existed before and was consisted of the six code style. In the Ching-shih ta-tien is composed of the four chapters on instructions and achievements of the Great Khans of the Mongol and the six chapters on the contents managed by bureaucrats and officials.The latter mainly describes the Six Board which took charge of the practical administration.Soon after publishing, the six code style also appeared as the construction of Yuan Dian Zhang published in the local society of the Yuan, and it became one of basic formats of the East Asian code. As six boards dealt with the practical administration for management of the Empire, it was under supervision of the chancellor of the Yuan.This shows that the political situation during the late Yuan, which the government was managed with a prime minister as the central figure. Especially, the authority of Tuγ Temur passed to an influential courtier El Temur who eliminated political opponents for Tuγ Temur and let him reign twice. In this situtiaon, TuγTemur definitized his authority over chancellor, El Temur., through placing the great Khans’ achievements over the contents of the six codes generalized by the chancellor in the Ching-shih ta-tien.

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