
Lviv archives contain a lot of valuable materials that shed light on the history of the development of musical-folkloristic studies in Halychyna. One of such documents is the Protocol of one of the meetings of the Musicology Department of the Lviv Con- servatory dated January 18, 1966 (hereinafter referred to as the Protocol) below. It is interesting because it contains a transcript of a detailed discussion of two open lessons by Volodymyr Hoshovsky on the subject “Folk music”. This large document, covering 9 full pages of typescript, for a long time remained the main source of information about the pedagogical activity of the scientist in 1961– 1969. This branch of V. Hoshovsky’s activity is quite well covered in ethnomusico- logical literature, especially thanks to the recent publication of the student lecture notes of course by V. Hoshovsky from “Folk music”. However, the appearance of this source does not detract from the information value of the Protocol. Although it dis- cusses the details of only two lessons, this document simultaneously demonstrates not only the “what”, but also the “how” V. Hoshovsky taught, how the students perceived the material, and, importantly, how his colleagues present in open classes evaluated the work of the scientist. It is through their flattering or critical statements that one can see the picture of the contemporary state of ethnomusical science and pedagogy, as well as the difficult socio-political context in which V. Hoshovsky had to work. The protocol contains many interesting and diverse details related to both the material delivered at the lectures and the urgent problems of teaching folk music dis- ciplines of that time, such as: insufficient hours, lack of a textbook, etc. In general, this archival source has not only significant scientific and methodological value for a wide range of ethnomusicologists – theorists and historians of musical folkloristics, but also is of considerable interest as a realistic document of its era. The document is submitted in full, preserving all linguistic and stylistic features and punctuation of the original with minor editorial appendices in the latches. On the right is the page number of the manuscript. Keywords: Volodymyr Hoshovskyy, Stanislav Liudkevych, teaching folk music disciplines, Lviv Conservatory.

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