
The article deals with the algorithm for assessing the research value of individual theories of causality of terrorism offences. Various research schools developed several main directions, which explain the reasons for terrorism offences. Mostly, these theories are convincing both theoretically and empirically, and it is problematic to explain many of them. The result of the study is the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of social theories of the causality of terrorism offences. In the study, we used such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, and a system -structural method. We also used such specific scientific methods as biographical analysis, statistical analysis, comparative-historical and expert assessment. The article comes to several conclusions below. Among the factors, with the help of which it is advisable to determine the value of the theory of causality of terrorism offences were political and doctrinal biases. Political and doctrinal biases were among the factors by which it is advisable to determine the value of the theory of causality for terrorist-related crimes. The political bias of a criminological theory is compliance with the needs and perception of the world of the most active social groups that form the social request to the science from society. The doctrinal bias of the criminological theory is the conformity to the interests and the main provisions of the doctrine as a source of law and legal science. The theory of anomy by E. Durkheim cannot apply to terrorism. Within the framework of this theory, one of the basic statements is the idea that crime can be a factor in integrating society, the strengthening of social ties. It is difficult to see an integrative social component in modern revolutionary separatist and expansionist. The theories of differentiated communication of E. Sutherland and D. Cressey concerning terrorism are not applicable. The principal postulate of this theory says that the more a person interacts with the criminal environment, the higher is the probability of his antisocial infestation. However, the thesis that most terrorists come from a criminal or close to a criminal environment is not confirmed by anything, even if we talk only about the ordinary members of terrorist organizations. The research vector, focused on the multifactorial analysis of criminological theories, will contribute to their deeper scientific understanding at the theoretical level, and more effective application at the practical one. One of the main ideas is the thesis about the targeting of each theory of the causality of terrorism offences.

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