
The article analyzes the experience of implementing innovative projects in the science cities of the Russian Federation from 2018 to 2020. The competition for innovative projects has been held in science cities since 2018, and the winners of the competition receive up to 30% of the total federal funds allocated to finance science cities. The analysis of applications for participation showed high interest of the science cities in participation of the competition. There are especially many participants among the science cities of the Moscow region due to their dense concentration in this region. In the article the features of the competitive procedures are revealed, the amount of funding and the characteristic features of the winners' projects are analyzed. Recommendations are given for improving the assessment of innovative projects and conducting the competitive procedure. In particular, it is proposed to add criteria that takes into account the specifics of the science city and reflects the development of scientific and technical potential. It is also proposed to create an information base of the successful projects for the exchange of the experience and scaling of successful practices to other municipalities. It is proposed to monitor the implementation of the winning projects to assess the achievement of the results provided for by the innovative project and their contribution to the development of the scientific and technical potential of the science city.

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