
A special role in the study of personal security problems is played by the study of psychological stability and mental toughness, the development of which involves the ability of a person to focus on one occupation without dispersing their forces, the ability to bring any business started to completion, overcoming the fear of the new, an adequate attitude to their mistakes, the ability to think in a positive way, resistance to force-majeure situations and the ability do not give in to impulses, stress resistance and other qualities.
 In the article, the authors proposed a Mental Toughness Questionnaire.
 The 18-item Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ18) is a brief, widely used measure of mental toughness. The MTQ18 derives from the longer MTQ48, which comprises four independent but correlated factors (Challenge, Commitment, Control and Confidence). Despite sampling items from across MTQ48 dimensions, the MTQ18 (as intended) provides a global, unidimensional score. The current paper translated the MTQ18 into Russian, and consequently assessed validity and reliability (factorial, internal and convergent) in a general population sample of 1150 participants (432 male and 718 female). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed the MTQ18 possessed additional variance to that accounted for by a unidimensional solution. Moreover, analyses via exploratory structural equation modelling demonstrated better data-model fit for a four-factor model than CFA. However, factors of Control and Challenge demonstrated inconsistent item loadings. Tests of convergent validity revealed the MTQ18 correlated with theoretically related measures. Overall, although the MTQ18 was a psychometrically acceptable measure, issues with factorial structure require reconciliation in future research.

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