
The article is devoted to the analysis of gender peculiarities of language material in Ivan Ohiienko’s scientifi c reception. The linguistic views of the scholar on the formation of the gender as the grammatical category in the Ukrainian language are highlighted, the basic principles of his linguistic works are singled out in order to refl ect gender asym-metries in the perception and linguistic representation of persons of male and female gender. Analysing Ivan Ohiienko’s linguistic heritage, we found that, despite the fact that the concept of «gender» was introduced into scientifi c circulation in the 70’s of the twentieth century, the scientist not only touches upon the problems of gender and language in his linguistic studies, but presents them with a thorough analysis. In terms of gender issues Ivan Ohiienko describes the formation in the language of grammatical cat-egory of gendern. Gender stereotyping on the principle of separation of masculine and feminine features is also a characteristic feature of the grammatical gender in language. Thus, dominant masculine and marginal feminine traits have become determinants of words distribution by genders. Not only in the context of gender studies, but also in linguocultural and sociological studies, the comparative characterization of spelling and explaining the natural law of feminization for the Ukrainian language given by Ivan Ohiienko is of great importance. Ivan Ohiienko in his linguistic heritage also analysed the problems of the feminitives. The scientist payed particular attention to the social status of women and the refl ection of it in the natural language.The perspectives of further studies of Ivan Ohiienko’s creativity in the linguoc-ultural aspect are outlined.

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