
In classical pragmatism, evolution is understood in light of interrelation of an organism and its environment. The thinking and knowing ability of man is no exception. The purely human features – consciousness, reason, imagination, language and the use of signs – are treated as realization of the natural process of adaptation.Pragmatism maintains that reason does not exist separately from environment. Man uses his reason to better adapt and accommodate in human/nonhuman contexts. This ability is а biological need and necessity in his struggle for survival. In the constantly changing world, challenges, that man faces in his everyday experience, stimulate the appearance of new ways of perceiving the world and thinking of its transformations.Present-day technological innovations have transformed political and social relations in the global world. Among other things, Internet is of utmost importance for changes in face-to-face social contacts. In this respect it is responsible for alterations in man’s consciousness and his way of thinking. It led to modification and deformation of the very principle of human worldview and social interrelation.In philosophy this phenomenon is known as «сlip consciousness / thinking». It is roughly explained as а peculiar ability to simultaneously perceive the world through short, often unrelated messages in the form of video clips or TV news.Internet affected the volume and form of information exchange and dissemination because the structure of the information space had become different. It is filled with an unstoppable stream of messages which human mind cannot sensibly grasp. As а result attention becomes unfocused, shallow and imperceptive. On the other hand, people with clip consciousness are able to simultaneously perceive various information and do different things.The notion «сlip consciousness» has not yet been adequately defined and appreciated. It requires further analysis and evaluation on the principle of reasonable balance.

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