
The article reveals the basic concepts of international migration, the types are given, analyzes scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "international migration". It has been established that international migration helps to optimize the distribution of human capital and reduce interregional differences, and improves the functioning of the labor markets of host countries and countries of origin. The article analyzes the indicators of international migration of citizens from Ukraine to EU member states, analyzes the EU migration policy in modern conditions and determines the influence of the process of formation of the common migration policy of the European Union on Ukraine. The authors investigated the essence and general aspects of migration processes in Ukraine, which leave a significant impact on the economic, social and demographic situation in the country. This issue is very relevant, since the intensity of migration processes in the world is becoming more and more high. Under the influence of processes in the world economy, the causes of migration change over time, in the modern realities of the world economy new features of migration appear, which is facilitated by a wide range of phenomena covering various aspects of global economic processes.

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