
Overcoming the consequences of the negative impact of environmental factors on the economic activities of hospitality industry enterprises associated with the spread of the pandemic requires changes in the approach to the formation of an enterprise management mechanism. In this aspect, special attention is paid to ensuring the economic security of domestic enterprises in the hospitality industry, as a component of the management system. The purpose of the study is to study the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the attributes of economic security and propose a model of the economic security of a hospitality industry enterprise, reflecting the way to achieve its economic interests. Research methods are scientific abstraction, theoretical analysis and synthesis of special economic literature on the problem of ensuring the economic security of hospitality industry enterprises, systematization and generalization of the studied. Based on a theoretical analysis of the problems of economic security of enterprises and an analysis of the negatives that are hazard factors for enterprises in the hospitality industry in the economic sphere, a model of economic security of an enterprise in this area is proposed, reflecting the way to achieve its economic interests. The article emphasizes the need to search for new forms and methods to ensure the economic protection of hospitality industry enterprises in the context of crisis phenomena and exacerbation of epidemiological circumstances. The theoretical and methodological basis of the term "economic security" has been studied and its attributes have been determined: management of the use of resources and potential; management of response to threats and prevention of their negative impact; competitiveness management; enterprise development management; achievement of economic interests of the enterprise. The certain allowed to form a model of economic security, reflecting the way to achieve the economic interests of hospitality industry enterprises.

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