
The article is a specifi c representation of the intellectual product [1-12] in the didactic-philosophical aspect of creation and the guaranteed consequences of its implementation in ensuring the natural-scientifi c competence of the individual. In general, the material of the publication refers to the study and solution of the problem of managing the processes of formation of the competent and ideological formation of the future specialist of the physical and technological profi le. It is known that the highest level of professional training of the teacher corresponds to the formation of his own pedagogical credo. The requirements of the modern educational paradigm orient researchers to the development, creation and justifi cation of the scientifi c concept (theory) of learning management, the methodology of educational forecast and scenarios of innovative technologies for the effective training of the future physics teacher [7]. The ideology of our project was based on the dialectical principles of optimistic folk pedagogy. The ability to guarantee the formation of the predicted author’s pedagogical credo of the future teacher is interpreted as a natural consequence of the creation and implementation of conceptual frameworks for managing the learning of the individual. Becoming a future teacher of physics-technological profi le is a simultaneous acquisition of certain measures of knowledge in specifi c educational disciplines (physics, technical creativity, safety of life, mechanical engineering, technical mechanics, labour protection in the industry, motor tractor, technological education, etc.) and teaching methods. For the fi rst time in the national and world subject didactics, the possibility of introducing binary targeting technology (specifi c discipline + teaching methodology) as a means of forming a holistic pedagogical credo of a future specialist is illustrated. Key words: physics, natural literacy, didactics of physics, educational forecast, fi ctitiousness of consciousness of the individual, binaries of the target program, control, management of learning, competence, outlook, pedagogical credo

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