
The current unstable situation of the economy requires enterprises to increase production efficiency, competitive products and services through the introduction of modern technologies, effective forms of production management. The most effective tool to improve the technological level of enterprises is innovation. The purpose of the article is to justify the concept of to determine its structure, assessment indicators and features of formation in the anti-crisis management system. The existing definitions of were analyzed, on the basis of which the author's vision of this complex and multifaceted concept was proposed. According to the author, innovative potential is the ability of a system to transform the actual state of things into a new state in order to ensure effective functioning and minimize the impact of crisis processes. The allocation of two blocks in the structure of the enterprise innovative potential was justified: scientific and technical potential, organizational and information potential. The scientific and technical potential characterizes the scientific and technical process of creating new and improving the technologies used, means of production and final products using the achievements of science, contributes to the development of anti-crisis funds for the effective functioning of the enterprise. Organizational and informational potential reflects the process of efficient use of organizational development factors and information flows at the enterprise, contributes to the acceleration of innovation and the timely development of anti-crisis programs. According to the study results, the main factor in the economic growth of the enterprise is the effective use of innovative potential in the anti-crisis management system. Innovative potential contributes to socio-economic development and plays a leading role in solving economic, environmental, social and cultural problems.

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